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Air New Zealand drops 2030 carbon goal, cites plane delivery delays

30/7/2024 12:20
        Air New Zealand abandoned on Tuesday a 2030 emissions reduction target, citing delivery delays of fuel-efficient aircraft and high green fuel prices, in a move signalling the difficulty aviation is having meeting de-carbonisation goals.
        This is the first major airline to row back on climate aspirations but the carrier said it was still committed to an industry-wide target of net zero emissions by 2050 and was working on a new near-term goal.
        Aviation is deemed responsible for about 2% of the world's emissions but is considered one of the hardest sectors to decarbonise as fuel for flights cannot be easily replaced with other kinds of power.
        "Many of the levers needed to meet the target, including the availability of new aircraft, the affordability and availability of alternative jet fuels, and global and domestic regulatory and policy support, are outside the airline's direct control and remain challenging," New Zealand's flag carrier said in a statement.


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