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Taiwan will have Trump's support if he wins, ex-appointee says

4/5/2024 19:03
        A former U.S. ambassador appointed by Donald Trump said on Saturday he believed the former president would again support Taiwan if he wins back the White House.
        Taiwan, claimed by China as its own territory despite Taipei's objections, received strong backing from Trump's 2017-2021 administration, including arms sales, which have continued under the government of President Joe Biden.
        Trump spoke to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen in 2016 shortly after he won the election, prompting anger in Beijing - as the United States does not officially recognise Taiwan's government - and glee in Taipei.
        James Gilmore, Trump's ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, told reporters in Taipei that Trump was not an isolationist but was trying to get U.S. allies to take their own defence more seriously.


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