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Hezbollah sent 'supervising' forces to Syria's Homs

7/12/2024 6:25
Lebanese armed group Hezbollah sent a small number of "supervising forces" from Lebanon to Syria overnight to help prevent anti-government fighters from seizing the strategic city of Homs, two senior Lebanese security sources said on Friday.

"Homs must not fall," one of the sources told Reuters, adding that senior officers deployed overnight to oversee some Hezbollah fighters who had been in Syria near the border with Lebanon for years.

A Syrian military officer and two regional officials close to Tehran also told Reuters that elite Hezbollah forces had crossed over from Lebanon and taken up positions in Homs.

The move reflects the dramatic shakeup in Syria's battlegrounds since Monday, when sources close to the group said Hezbollah was not intending to deploy to Syria for now.


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