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Opposition in majority in key Solomon Islands province

8/2/2023 14:33
        The opposition has taken a majority in the assembly of the most populous Solomon Islands province after Daniel Suidani, a vocal critic of the country's relationship with China, lost a no-confidence vote, an adviser to the ousted leader said on Wednesday.
        Celsus Talifilu, the adviser, said in an interview if a new government is formed in Malaita province, it would back the federal government's pro-China stance.
        "If the new government comes in Malaita, we suspect the first thing they would do is to come up with some kind of statement publicly that recognises China," Talifilu said.
        The legality of the motion of no-confidence remains before a court, he added.
        Suidani is a long-time critic of the country's deepening relations with China and vocally opposed the Solomon Island’s switching recognition from Taiwan to China in 2019.


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