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Japan’s PM cancels central Asia trip after earthquake risk warning

9/8/2024 17:13
        Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Friday cancelled plans to visit Central Asia and Mongolia this weekend, following an unprecedented advisory that the risk of a major Pacific coast earthquake was higher than usual.
        The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued on Thursday its first-ever advisory of the risk of a huge earthquake on the country's Pacific coast, following a magnitude 7.1 tremor that struck the southwestern island of Kyushu the same day.
        "I have decided to stay in the country for the next week or so to ensure our preparations and communications are in order," Kishida told a press conference, although the advisory did not give a timeframe for the potential event or call for evacuations.
        "But it is the first time it is issued and I believe people would be feeling anxious about it," he added.
        "Consequently, I have decided to cancel my planned visit to Central Asia and Mongolia."


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