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Palau, US security ally in Pacific, holds elections

4/11/2024 12:29
        The Pacific Islands nation of Palau, important to the U.S. military amid tensions with China, and among a dozen allies of Taiwan, holds a national election for president on Tuesday.
        President Surangel Whipps Jr is contesting the post against his brother-in-law, former president Tommy Remengesau, who stood at traffic intersections on Monday directly appealing to drivers for support.
        Voters will also elect 13 members of the national senate.
        Palau this year renewed a Compact of Free Association with Washington, in a deal that will see it receive $890 million in economic assistance over 20 years in return for allowing continued U.S. military access to its maritime zone, air space and land.
        Palau's population of 18,000 is spread across an archipelago that sits between the Philippines and the U.S. military base on Guam. The U.S. military is constructing an over-the-horizon radar on Palau, scheduled to be completed in 2026.


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