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Mexico's labor reform for app drivers looks poised to pass via fast-track

7/12/2024 6:23
A Mexican labor reform for drivers and delivery workers using applications like Uber, Didi and Rappi appears to be ready to be pushed through both chambers of the legislature next week.

The proposal, sent to legislators by President Claudia Sheinbaum this week, could make its way out of the lower house by Tuesday and to the Senate before Congress breaks for the end-of-year holidays on Dec. 15, according to documents and lawmakers.

Sheinbaum's ruling Morena party and its allies hold a wide majority in both chambers, and have been speeding through a set of reforms proposed by the president and her predecessor.

The labor reform would roll out a pilot program requiring companies to pay into public health access for drivers earning minimum wage or above. All drivers would be insured in case they were injured on the job.


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