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Trump returns to world stage at Notre-Dame reopening in Paris

7/12/2024 14:22
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump returns to the world stage on Saturday to join leaders for the reopening of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, still a private citizen but already preparing to tackle a host of international crises.

It will be Trump's first trip overseas since he won the presidential election a month ago and it could offer French President Emmanuel Macron an opportunity to play the role of mediator between Europe and the unpredictable U.S. politician, a role the French leader has relished in the past.

The two are expected to meet on the sidelines of Saturday's visit. While no agenda for their talks has been announced, European leaders are concerned that Trump could withdraw U.S. military aid to Ukraine at a crucial juncture in its war to repel Russian invaders.

Macron is a strong supporter of the NATO alliance and Ukraine's fight, while Trump feels European nations need to pay more for their common defense and that a negotiated settlement is needed to end the Ukraine war.


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