1月17日 (星期五)15°C 74

Club classics / Charli XCX

派台日期: 2024-04-05  
唱片公司:Warner Music


Charli XCX將於4月3日開放全新專輯《Brat》的預購,更同時推出兩首單曲〈Club classics〉及〈B2B〉。近期非常活躍的她除宣佈舉行英國巡演及登上《Boiler Room》演岀外,早前推出的單曲〈Von dutch〉依然熱播中。

Charli XCX is launching the pre-order for her next album, Brat, on Apr 3, and the announcement comes alongside the release of double single, featuring the focus track "Club classics" and "B2B," produced by Gesaffelstein. Her United Kingdom tour has also been announced, and her Boiler Room stream and previous release, "Von dutch," continues to fly.