2月18日 (星期二)18°C 76

Nobody / OneRepublic

派台日期: 2024-04-12  
唱片公司:Universal Music
作曲:Ryan Tedder、Brent Kutzle、Joe Henderson、Josh Varnadore、Tyler Spry
填詞:Ryan Tedder、Brent Kutzle、Joe Henderson、Josh Varnadore、Tyler Spry


《怪獸 8號》片尾曲由OneRepublic演唱
受到角色能量啟發 東京成歌曲主要靈感來源

繼與David Guetta推出合唱歌之後,OneRepublic 的最新單曲 “Nobody (from Kaiju No. 8)” 是專門為動畫《怪獸 8號》而創作的片尾曲,動畫已於 4 月 13 日星期六開始在全球播出 。 動畫改編自松本直也由2020年7月3日起於網上漫畫平台少年Jump+連載至今的漫畫系列,描述了立志加入專精討伐怪獸組織「日本防衛隊」的主角日比野卡夫卡的掙扎。

三屆格林美獎得主、OneRepublic 的製作人兼主唱 Ryan Tedder 在去年的日本之旅中創作了這首新歌曲。 關於新單曲,Ryan分享道:「我們會見了整個 Kaiju 團隊,我真的受到了角色和他們想要的能量的啟發,這首歌讓人感到振奮和有趣,充滿了光明。我在我最喜歡的城市東京寫了這首歌的歌詞,所以我可以肯定地說,日本本身就是這首歌的主要靈感來源。」


I'd take the fall
I got you covered when there's no one at all
Ah yea and
I'd stay through the night
When you got demons tryna break through the walls

There ain't no, no kind of line
That i wouldn't cross if u need me to
You're out here searching for signs
So I think it's finally time thatchu knew

Nobody got you the way I do
Whatever demons u fightin through
When you need somebody to turn to
Nobody got you the way I do

Nobody - nobody - nobody
Nobody got you the way I do

When you go dark and the nights get so cold
I'll be on my way to you
You know I ain't tryna lose you oh no
If you're in hell I'll go there too

There ain't no, no kind of line
That i wouldn't cross if u need me to
You're out here searching for signs
So I think it's finally time thatchu knew

Nobody got you the way I do
Whatever demons u fightin through
When you need somebody to turn to
Nobody got you the way I do

Nobody - nobody - nobody
Nobody got you the way I do

Nobody got you the way I do

Nobody - nobody - nobody
Nobody got you the way I do

Nobody - nobody - nobody
Nobody got you the way I do
The way I do
Nobody - nobody - nobody
Nobody got you the way I do