7月27日 (星期六)28°C 89

QWERTY / Linkin Park

派台日期: 2024-04-12  
唱片公司:Warner Music


Linkin Park 將於4月12日推出專輯《Papercuts》,輯錄了20首極具代表性的歌曲。專輯中除了18首經典金曲外,亦收錄了他們在2017年錄製的未發佈歌曲〈Friendly Fire〉和粉絲最愛的隱藏歌曲〈QWERTY〉,後者亦會是這張專輯的主打歌。

Linkin Park releases Papercuts on Apr 12 as their inaugural singles collection, showcasing 20 career-defining tracks spanning their entire career. The album includes 18 essential hits alongside the previously unreleased "Friendly Fire" from their 2017 sessions and the fan-favorite rarity "QWERTY," which serves as the focus track.