1月21日 (星期二)18°C 40

Wish You Were Here / Young Hysan

派台日期: 2024-12-11  
作曲:Young Hysan
填詞:Erin Yan, Young Hysan
編曲:, wavytrbl, Hans Kang, silvee, Lili Forest
監製:Ming Ko


“Wish You Were Here” 是一首以聖誕作主題的R&B歌曲,講述了渴望和已疏遠的愛人能夠和解,當中的矛盾感受。夜幕降臨而周邊盡是聖誕節的氣氛,讓他份外感到孤獨,看到城中閃亮的燈飾,更渴望對方能回到他身邊,想像兩個人能修好,一起坐在壁爐旁共渡聖誕。歌曲的第二段,他更提及到自己對談戀愛的一部份看法,他認為二人相處的哲學就是儘管彼此有不完美的地方,仍然選擇與對方走下去。

“Wish You Were Here” is a Christmas-themed R&B song, about the ambivalence of longing to reconcile with an estranged lover. Hysan describes the loneliness he feels as Christmas arrives, seeing the lights & festivities happening across the city, and yearns for his lover to return to him by the fireplace. In the second verse, he honestly opens up to the flaws and obstacles in their relationship, and wishes to love again despite all the imperfections.


(Verse 1)

Does it feel like I’m with you right there

她飲醉 他宿醉 香檳傾瀉
舞會裡 十萬對 糾纏拉扯
But without you I, really don’t care


Wish you were here, right now
Coming back home to my embrace
Spend all those long cold nights
By the fireplace

Wish you were here, right now
Coming back home where you should stay
When you’re here, everything will be okay

(Verse 2)

都走過幾多轉 波折路程
數千次 淚或痛 都是必經
But we’ve always found light in the end

一生裡 仿佛有 千種不對
卻深信 認定你 不曾心虛
Can we dance ‘til it’s springtime again


Wish you were here, right now
Coming back home to my embrace
Spend all those long cold nights
By the fireplace

Wish you were here, right now
Coming back home where you should stay
When you’re here, everything will be okay