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UN's secretary general warns the world is becoming 'less safe by the day'

26/2/2024 19:20
        U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says combatants in places such as Congo, Gaza, Myanmar, Ukraine and Sudan are turning a "blind eye" to international law as he made a plea for greater respect for human rights and peace around the world.
        Speaking as the U.N.’s top human rights body opened its latest session, Guterres warned Monday that the world is becoming "less safe by the day."
        "Our world is changing at warp speed," he told the Human Rights Council. "The multiplication of conflicts is causing unprecedented suffering. But human rights are a constant."
        The U.N. chief said attacks on human rights take many forms, and reiterated his frequent calls for debt relief for some of the world’s poorest countries and greater spending to fight climate change. He defended UNRWA, the agency for Palestinian refugees, as the "backbone" of aid efforts in Gaza at a time when top Israeli authorities have called for its dismantling.


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