1月25日 (星期六)19°C 72
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A private car in Tseung Kwan O was suspected of losing control

3/12/2024 6:08
        A private car lost control and hit a barrier in Tseung Kwan O. The female driver of the private car was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.
        At around 1:00 am Tuesday, a private car was traveling along Tseung Kwan O Yip Yip Road towards Clear Water Bay Road. When it reached the junction of Ying Yip Road and Po Ning Road, it was suspected that it lost control and hit the railing.
        The police patrolled the scene and found that the 33-year-old female driver smelled of alcohol and failed to pass the alcohol breath test. She was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving and is being detained for investigation.
        The female driver reported a neck injury and was sent to Tseung Kwan O Hospital for treatment. The police classified the case as drunk driving and a traffic accident with some injuries and government property damaged.


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