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China says U.S. nuclear weapons report is speculation

6/12/2022 19:00
        China's defence ministry on
        Tuesday dismissed a Pentagon report about the pace of its
        nuclear weapons programme as unfair "gesticulation" and
        The Pentagon said in a report last month that China would
        likely have a stockpile of 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035 if it
        continues with its current pace of its nuclear buildup.
        The figure underscores mounting U.S. concerns about China's
        intentions for its expanding nuclear arsenal, even though the
        projections do not suggest China is accelerating the pace of its
        already-brisk warhead development.
        Responding to the report, China's defence ministry said the
        United States was "gesticulating and absurdly guessing about the
        modernisation of China's nuclear forces".
        The United States should reflect on its own nuclear policy,
        especially as it has the world's largest nuclear arsenal, the
        ministry added.


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