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Members of exiled Chinese church detained in Thailand

31/3/2023 18:07
        More than 60 members of a Chinese Christian church have been detained in Thailand, supporters said Friday, raising fears they may be returned to their home country, where they face possible persecution.
        Deana Brown, one of two American supporters detained along with the church members,said Thai authorities in the coastal city of Pattaya detained the 63 church members, many of whom are children.
        The chief of the Pattaya-area Nong Prue police station said, thirty-two adult Chinese nationals were charged with overstaying their visas. He said, the children were not charged. He added, the two American citizens were not placed under arrest.
        Members of the Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church, also called the Mayflower Church, came to Thailand in 2022 seeking asylum. The current status of their request was not immediately clear.


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