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China launches probe into surrogacy, fake paternity tests in Wuhan

29/11/2023 12:12
        Chinese authorities have suspended a hospital and a judicial institute in the city of Wuhan from conducting some services after they were accused of surrogacy and issuing fake paternity results.
        The suspension comes amid several investigations related to the issuance of fake birth certificates as China, where surrogacy is illegal, tries to boost its birth rate.
        Wuhan Puren Hospital has been suspended from releasing birth certificates and Wuhan Ruiboxiang Judicial Appraisal Institute has been suspended from providing judicial appraisal services, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission said on Tuesday.
        A task force has been set up to investigate the hospital and institute.
        The hospital and institute were accused of "illegal activities" by an online influencer called Shangguanzhengyi, the official China Daily newspaper reported.
        He alleged the institute could provide fake paternity test results and parents could provide fake results to reissue the birth certificate, allowing non-biological children to be given a bogus identification.


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