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Erdogan and Abbas to discuss delivering aid to Gaza, Turkish source says

4/3/2024 18:14
        President Tayyip Erdogan is set to discuss Turkey's efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during talks this week in Ankara, a Turkish diplomatic source said on Monday.
        Speaking at a diplomatic forum in Turkey at the weekend, the Palestinian Authority's Foreign Minister Riyad-al Maliki said Abbas would pay a visit to Ankara on Tuesday and meet Erdogan.
        Turkey, which has harshly criticised Israel for its attacks on Gaza and backed measures to have it tried for genocide at the World Court, has repeatedly called for a ceasefire. But Ankara has no direct involvement in truce talks.
        Unlike its Western allies and some Gulf nations, NATO member Turkey does not view Hamas as a terrorist organisation.
        Erdogan and Abbas will discuss recent developments in Gaza as well as the situation in the West Bank.


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