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Philippines, US forces to train retaking island in joint drills

17/4/2024 17:57
        Philippine and U.S. forces will simulate retaking enemy-occupied islands during joint military drills starting next week in areas facing Taiwan and the South China Sea as Manila shifts its focus to external defence.
        The annual "Balikatan" or "shoulder-to-shoulder" drills, which will run from April 22 to May 10, will involve 16,700 soldiers who will train in maritime security, air and missile defence, dynamic missile strikes, cyber defence, and information operations.
        It will be the first time the maritime exercises are carried out beyond Philippine territorial waters," said Michael Logico, a Philippine army colonel overseeing the exercises.
        Aimed at improving interoperability between the two militaries, the drills come against the backdrop of China's recent aggressive behaviour in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, flashpoints for Chinese and U.S. tensions.


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