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Eight arrested after climate activists breach German airport

18/5/2024 16:45
        German police arrested eight climate activists who breached the grounds of Munich airport on Saturday, briefly causing the airport to close and leading to around 60 flight cancellations during a busy holiday weekend.
        Six of the activists glued themselves to a runway, a police spokesperson said, adding the situation was now under control, with both of the airport's runways open for arrivals and takeoffs.
        Climate group Last Generation, which has carried out similar protests in the past, said it was responsible for the action in a series of posts on X showing members on what appeared to be a runway or tarmac with protest signs.
        The group later said six individuals had seated themselves on airport asphalt at 4:45 a.m. local time to block planes, and it criticised Berlin for subsidising airlines at the expense of rail.
        Germany's interior minister, Nancy Faeser, said security measures at the airport would be reviewed.


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