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UAE blocks meetings between AI firm G42 and US congressional staffers

30/7/2024 12:11
        The United Arab Emirates scuttled meetings this month between U.S. Congressional staffers and G42 after U.S. lawmakers raised concerns the Emirati AI firm could transfer powerful U.S. AI technology to China, according to a congressional spokesperson.
        The UAE Ambassador to the U.S. "personally intervened" to stop staffers from the House Select Committee on China from meeting G42 and Emirati government officials, said the person, who was briefed on the cancellations and declined to be named because of internal committee policies.
        U.S. lawmakers have raised concerns about a $1.5 billion investment by Microsoft in G42, fearing sensitive technology could be transferred to the UAE firm, which has historic ties to China.
        "The committee has even more concerns about the G42-Microsoft deal given the UAE refusal to meet with congressional staff to discuss these issues. As a result, expect Congress to get more involved in oversight of these negotiations," the committee spokesperson told Reuters.


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