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Fuel tanker catches fire in Indonesia's Bali, killing 5

8/8/2024 6:12
        A tanker carrying fuel near Indonesia's Bali resort island caught fire on Wednesday, killing five crew members and injured 15 others, the authorities said.
        Bali's Karangasem Police Section said the tanker was sailing near Tepekong Island in Candidasa waters and heading to Badas Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara province, when the accident happened.
        When the tanker arrived at Gili Tepekong at 3 a.m. local time, some crew members heard an explosion, then the ship blacked out. They checked and found some were on fire, Karangasem Police Public Relations Section Head, First Inspector Iptu I Gede Sukadana, told a press conference.
        Sukadana said there was a second explosion not long after the first one which was caused by fire in the engineering room.
        An investigation was launched to find out the cause, he said.


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