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Chinese troops to join Brazil's military drills with US forces

11/9/2024 6:34
        Chinese troops will take part for the first time in Brazil's annual military exercises this week that also include U.S. forces, the Brazilian Navy said on Tuesday.
        Pentagon spokesperson Major Pete Nguyen said, however, U.S. and Chinese forces would not be training together at the Brazil's "Operation Formosa" exercises.
        "While the PRC are also present at the exercise, U.S. troops are not training alongside or with the PRC," Nguyen said. The PRC, or People's Republic of China, is the country's official name.
        China sent observers last year to the Operation Formosa exercises, but will have troops on the ground this year, the Brazilian Navy, which coordinates the drills, said in a statement. U.S. troops participated as well in 2023.


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