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G7 discussing 2035 end date for coal-fired power plants

29/4/2024 18:59
        Energy ministers from the Group of Seven wealthy countries meeting in Italy are discussing setting a common target date of 2035 to shut down their
        coal-powered power plants, a source close to the matter told Reuters on Monday.
        An agreement on coal would mark a significant step in the direction indicated by the COP28 United Nations climate summit in Dubai last year to transition away from fossil fuels, of which coal is the most polluting.
        Diplomatic negotiators for the G7 nations - Italy, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Canada and Japan - discussed the issue until late on Sunday, with one country still opposing the move, said the source, who asked not to be named.
        The energy ministers' meeting hosted by Italy, which holds the rotating G7 presidency this year, runs on Monday and Tuesday in the 17th century Venaria palace, a former royal residence outside Turin.
        Demonstrators gathered in Turin on Sunday evening, setting fire to pictures of G7 leaders they say are not doing enough to fight climate change, and chanting slogans including "Them 7, us 99%".


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