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Romanian president: open to discussing sending Patriot system to Ukraine

8/5/2024 7:15
        Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday he was open to discussing sending a Patriot missile system to Ukraine after German appeals to European Union and NATO member states to bolster Ukraine's air defences.
        Following appeals by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, EU governments were urged last month to supply more badly needed defence systems to Kyiv.
        Germany has pledged an additional Patriot battery, while Spain said it will deliver anti-aircraft Patriot missiles.
        Other European countries including Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Sweden also have Patriot systems.
        "There has been a discussion about who can send Patriot systems to Ukraine over the last few weeks," Iohannis told reporters in Washington after meeting U.S. President Joe Biden in Washington.


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