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Taiwan must invest in building its own 'strengths', vice president-elect says

6/5/2024 19:16
        Taiwan is grateful for continued U.S. security assistance but must invest in building its own "strengths" first and show the world its support for the island is worth it, Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim said on Monday.
        Hsiao, who takes office with President-elect Lai Ching-te on May 20, is Taiwan's former de facto ambassador to Washington, and is expected to play a key role in further strengthening ties with the United States given her fluent English and deep ties in the U.S. capital.
        The United States is Chinese-claimed Taiwan's most important supporter and arms supplier, despite the lack of diplomatic ties.
        Speaking to a think-tank forum, Hsiao expressed appreciation for U.S. President Joe Biden last month signing into law legislation to boost Taiwan's defences, part of a broader package of assistance for Ukraine and Israel.


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