4月28日 (星期日)28°C 91

King Size Bed / Alec Benjamin

派台日期: 2024-03-22  
唱片公司:Warner Music


Alec Benjamin 主新專輯《12 Notes》將於5月10日推出,今日率先推出專輯中第四首主打〈King Sized Bed〉。該專輯中其他先行曲〈I Sent My Therapist To Therapy〉、〈Pick Me〉和〈Different Kind Of Beautiful〉至今全球總播放量已接近7000萬次,僅在Spotify上就已有超過4000萬次播放量。

The fourth track being released from Alec's forthcoming album, 12 Notes, being released on May 10th. Previous tracks from this cycle (including "I Sent My Therapist To Therapy", "Pick Me", and "Different Kind Of Beautiful") have totaled nearly 70M overall global streams to date, with 40M+ coming from Spotify alone.