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Clashes break out in pro-Palestinian rally in Greece

8/5/2024 6:18
        Clashes broke out between police and protesters during a pro-Palestinian rally in central Athens on Tuesday, a day after the Israeli military launched a ground and air operation in part of eastern Rafah in the Gaza Strip.
        More than 300 people carrying Palestinian flags and banners reading "Hands off Rafah!" rallied outside the parliament building in the Greek capital.
        "We are here in solidarity and we will respond any time the Palestinians call (for solidarity)," said protester Antonis Davanellos, a 60-year old pensioner.
        Police fired teargas to disperse a small group of protesters who climbed up the gate of the Egyptian embassy opposite parliament. The clashes were brief.
        At least 34,789 Palestinians have been killed and 78,204 injured in the seven-month-old war, Gaza's health ministry said on Tuesday.


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