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US: Israel used US weapons inconsistent with humanitarian law

11/5/2024 6:20
        The Biden administration on Friday said it was reasonable to assess that Israel has used U.S.-supplied weapons in instances that are "inconsistent" with
        its international humanitarian law obligations.
        However, the administration said it still found credible and reliable Israel's assurances that it will use U.S. weapons in accordance with international humanitarian law because it did not have complete information to verify that U.S. weapons were used in specific actions that were alleged to be breaches of
        international humanitarian law.
        U.S. State Department was asked to deliver to Congress under a new National Security Memorandum (NSM) that President Joe Biden issued in early February, whether it finds credible Israel's assurances that its use of U.S. weapons does not violate U.S. or international law.
        "Israel has not shared complete information to verify whether U.S. defense articles covered under NSM-20 were specifically used in actions that have been alleged as violations of IHL or IHRL in Gaza, or in the West Bank and East Jerusalem during the period of the report," the U.S. State Department said in a report to Congress.


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