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South Africa's new MK party seeks majority win in pivotal election, Zuma says

19/5/2024 7:22
        South Africa's new uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party is aiming to win a parliamentary majority in a May 29 election so that it can implement reforms without resistance from opponents, former President Jacob Zuma said on Saturday.
        Zuma, who was forced to quit as president in 2018, has fallen out with the ruling African National Congress (ANC) and has been campaigning for MK, which was formed in December.
        "We want to get an outright victory because if we don't get the two-thirds (majority), opposition may oppose us," 82-year old Zuma told thousands of supporters during a launch of the party's election manifesto.
        An Ipsos opinion poll published in April showed MK would win 8.4% of the vote, far short of the party's 66% objective.
        Speaking in Zulu at the Orlando Stadium in South Africa's biggest township Soweto, Zuma promised to provide free education for disadvantaged children, create jobs and fight corruption.


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